The Silent War: IRGC’s Cyber Attacks on Free Speech

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the regime are notorious for their relentless efforts to silence critics. Their reach extends far beyond the Middle East, targeting journalists, activists, and dissenting voices worldwide. This is not a new phenomenon, but the persistence and intensity of these attacks continue to escalate, threatening free speech and democratic values globally.

Extensive Resources Deployed

The IRGC leverages vast resources to conduct these attacks. Their cyber operations are sophisticated and well-coordinated, utilizing both human agents and advanced technologies. The relentless attempts to breach our website, Stop Deals IRGC, illustrate the lengths they are willing to go to suppress opposition and intimidate those who stand against their oppressive policies.

Vulnerabilities in Western Tech

Interestingly, most IP addresses used in these attacks originate from Europe and America. This indicates a significant vulnerability within Western tech companies and institutions, to infiltration or IP hijacking. It’s alarming to see these attacks emanating from regions that are traditionally viewed as safe havens for free speech and democratic values.

Human-Driven Attacks

Our analysis reveals that most attacks are conducted by human agents rather than automated bots. This distinction is critical as it underscores the deliberate and targeted nature of these cyber intrusions. Their primary goal appears to be gaining unauthorized access to our website to gather information about the people managing and contributing to it, rather than simply shutting it down through DDoS attacks.

Case Study: Umeå University

One particular attack was traced back to Umeå University in Sweden. We suspect involvement from within the institution, although it remains unclear whether it is a student or faculty member. This incident highlights the insidious reach of the IRGC and their ability to infiltrate even the most unexpected corners of our societies.

The Global Reach of the IRGC

The IRGC’s activities are not confined to their home region; their influence and operations extend deeply into Western democracies. This international reach poses a significant threat to global security and the fundamental principles of free speech and expression.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The IRGC and the regime do not just fear free speech; they actively seek to undermine it through malign activities both within their borders and in free democracies worldwide. It is imperative that the European Union and the United Kingdom recognize the IRGC in its entirety as a terrorist organization. Such a designation is crucial to curbing their nefarious activities and safeguarding our democratic values.

Join the Fight for Free Speech

The persistent threat posed by the IRGC underscores the urgent need for international solidarity against their tactics. We urge the EU and UK to take a definitive stand against the IRGC. Together, we can protect our freedoms and hold accountable those who seek to undermine them.

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