The Iranian Presidential Election Boycott: A Resounding Message to the World

In a significant political development, the Iranian populace has made a powerful statement through an overwhelming boycott of the recent presidential election. Held on June 28, 2024, this election saw the reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian secure 42.5% of the vote, narrowly leading over the ultraconservative Saïd Jalili, who received 38.6%. This election was hastened by the tragic death of the former President, Ebrahim Raissi, in a helicopter crash on May 19.

The True Victor: Abstention

Despite Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s call for a high voter turnout, the official participation rate was a mere 39%. However, insights from statistical experts, on-ground evidence, and the Ministry of Interior Affairs suggest that the actual turnout was significantly lower. The numbers reported by the Islamic Republic are likely manipulated, further underlining the regime’s lack of transparency and credibility.

This massive abstention reflects the Iranian people’s rejection of the Islamic Republic’s political system, which they view as illegitimate and oppressive. The low turnout and empty polling stations are emblematic of a populace choosing to abstain rather than legitimize a regime they perceive as murderous, violent, and terroristic. By boycotting the election, the Iranian people have chosen a path toward freedom, peace, and justice.

International Hypocrisy

Despite the clear message from the Iranian citizens, the international community, including the European Union, continues to advocate for a pro-reform vote and maintains diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. This stance has been criticized as hypocritical, overlooking the Iranian people’s demand for change.

House of Liberty’s Stand

House of Liberty stands in solidarity with the Iranian people, supporting the boycott and calling on international and European institutions to sever diplomatic ties with the regime. The organization emphasizes the Iranian people’s unity in rejecting the 2024 elections and highlights the stark images of empty polling stations as a testament to the regime’s waning legitimacy.

As articulated by House of Liberty, “In an act of unity, the people of Iran boycott the 2024 elections, massively rejecting the Islamic Republic. The images of empty polling stations reveal the regime’s lack of legitimacy and the Iranian people’s call for change. The time for empty diplomacy is over.”

This bold move by the Iranian people sends a clear message to the global community: the demand for true freedom and democratic reform cannot be ignored. The world must listen and respond to this call for justice and change in Iran.

Proscribing The IRGC as terrorist

Given the IRGC’s role in perpetuating violence and terrorism, it is crucial for the European Union and the United Kingdom to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Such a move would not only protect European citizens from potential terrorist threats but also demonstrate solidarity with the Iranian people in their fight for freedom and justice. Proscribing the IRGC will strengthen global security and signal a firm stance against terrorism and oppression. The time for decisive action is now, to ensure the safety of Europeans and to support the Iranian people’s quest for a just and democratic society.

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